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The Digit-al Dozen Does Vampy - Day One: Negative Space

Hello lovelies!

I'm so excited! I got accepted to The Digit-al Dozen - OMG OMG OMG! I was jumping up and down! If you follow a lot of nail art blogs, you'll know that The Digital Dozen is an awesome group of ladies that come together each month to do nail art around a theme. I've always loved reading these posts, as everybody has their own interpretation of a theme, which inspires me a lot. This month the theme is 'Vampy'. I love the theme, although it proved difficult to come up with 5 very different manicures. But I did my best for you guys and I hope you'll like them! My first mani has purple, rhinestones and negative space...

I started by applying a base coat, over which I stamped using BPS black stamping polish and Qgirl-057. I sealed that in with one coat of SV, before applying Loki's Nail Vinyls 'wedges'. After securing them, I painted over them with Masura "Andromeda's Nebula", which was gifted to me by one of my lovely friends :) I carefully took off the vinyls and sealed it all in with SV as well. To finish this mani properly (IMO), I applied some black rhinestones at the tips.

What do you think? I'm very interested to know. Would you wear this?

I'm super excited about the rest of this week as well and to see what the others created! You can see all their manis of today in the link-up below.

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