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Star Wars Speculation: 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Trailer Analysis

Hello loyal readers! As I seek to find new content to replace the lacking reviews of new releases this fall, I thought to myself "Why do I not already have a series of posts dedicated to Star Wars?" Then it hit me! I decided right then and there I would start a weekly series dedicated to discussing various topics regarding Star Wars. This series will change radically week-to-week and just encompass all things Star Wars. It felt like a perfect time to get it rolling and what better way to kick this off than by sharing my takeaways from this latest Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer! So let's break it down!

**Keep in mind that these are just my theories and interpretation of the scenery. I could be way off mark in regards to speculation, but provided I'm correct, potential spoilers lie ahead.**

'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Trailer Analysis

This trailer was very Kylo Ren-centric. It seems clear that Supreme Leader Snoke will be setting him out to snuff out the light within himself. The above shot seems to show him in some First Order facility where they're manufacturing weapons, vehicles, etc. This could possibly be him in recovery after he took a nasty saber swipe across the face in The Force Awakens, as I noticed there was some sort of tape obscuring his scar throughout the trailer. Snoke narrates saying "When I found you... I saw raw, untamed power... and beyond that... something truly special." Could be talking to Kylo Ren or Rey. Your guess is as good as mine.  
Next, we're treated to a look at the new AT-M6's marching on Craft. The AT-M6 designation stands for All Terrain MegaCallibur 6 and they appear to be an evolution of the standard Imperial AT-AT's most are familiar with from The Empire Strikes Back. It's also worth noting that this takes place on Crait, a new location to the Star Wars universe. Crait will house a Resistance base and the First Order appears to be coming full force! Also notice that Kylo Ren's First Order shuttle from The Force Awakens is flying above in the background.
Then we have Kylo Ren marching on through some cave/chasm with several First Order troops following suit. Very reminiscent of Anakin's march on the Jedi Temple during Order 66 from Revenge Of The Sith.
Here we have Kylo in what seems to be some First Order facility, likely in the presence of Snoke considering the red robes behind him. 
These are most likely the robes of Snoke's personal guards, the Elite Praetorian Guards. These guards are inspired by samurai and an elite group of Roman guards who protected the Roman Emperor. 
Going back to the trailer, we have Rey igniting her lightsaber.
More shots of Ach-To, the planet Rey found Luke on.
A continuation of The Force Awakens' cliffhanger where Rey hands Luke his former lightsaber. I'm pretty sure he will return it to her and it will become her lightsaber based on all the training footage. Rey says "Something inside me has always been there..."
I have no idea where this is located or what the significance of this is, but my best guess is that it's some hidden area of Ach-To and it ties into Rey's training.
LUKE'S LIBRARY!! As I've been reading various the Star Wars canon material, it seems evident that Luke was seeking as much knowledge and as many Jedi relics as he could possibly obtain. I think these are some books he's gathered or these books are ones found in the abandoned Ach-To Jedi Temple. "But now it's awake..."
"And I need help." Some more saber swinging. Very cool.
Okay, I believe a lot can be gleaned from this short moment. First off, Rey's training and she seems to have startled Luke with her strength in the force. He seems taken aback by this and I believe it's for good reason... Luke says "I've seen this raw strength only once before..."
"It didn't scare me enough then..." I think this is referencing Kylo Ren's betrayal and subsequent destruction of Luke's new Jedi Order. He saw this same strength in Kylo Ren, and wasn't worried at the time and many payed for his trust in Kylo. Above we seemingly see Luke emerge from the wreckage of Kylo's destruction and watching it all in grief alongside R2-D2. This second shot was also featured in the last trailer and I believe it's the same shot of Luke with R2 from Rey's vision in The Force Awakens, just from a different angle.
"It does now." Luke's reluctant to train Rey, because he's still reeling from what happened with Kylo Ren. Rey seems disappointed in Luke's reluctance. 
Kylo Ren says "Let the past die." as he's shown smashing his helmet. Potentially bringing his Vader fanboy days to an end? 
The trailer proceeds to Kylo Ren piloting his own Vader-inspired starfighter, the Tie Silencer. He's in the middle of some space battle opposite the Resistance and the voice over says "Kill it... if you have to...that's the only way to become who you're meant to be" as he devastates some Resistance cruisers and sets his targeting computer on the bridge of a Resistance cruiser seemingly with Leia onboard. This is when the feels creep in as you must watch a conflicted Kylo Ren decide whether or not he even wants to complete his journey to the Dark Side by killing his own mother, Leia. I can't imagine he will go through with it here, because I highly doubt the Lucasfilm marketing department would let that pivotal moment slip into a trailer. However, I don't think that means Leia's completely off the hook. It's been stated that Lucasfilm will not be shoe-horning Leia into Episode 9 via CGI or recasting out of respect to Carrie Fisher.
 The Millennium Falcon is being pursued by Tie Fighters in a cavern full of red crystals. I'm curious to see if this takes place on Crait... and if those crystals are red kyber crystals. For those that don't know, kyber crystals are the force-attuned crystals that power a Jedi's lightsaber.
Chewbacca and the porg have a screech-off! Porgs will be the Star Wars equivalent of Puffins and are native to Act-To. Adorable, aren't they?!?
Poe Dameron in distress.
 A look at Poe's upgraded X-Wing. The engine's gotten a major boost.
And lookie-there! Carrie Fisher's daughter, Billie Lourd, in the background reprising her role from The Force Awakens.
 Fin vs. Captain Phasma!!!
Captain Phasma still looks really cool here. I love the light reflecting off her chrome armor. Incredible.
Oh no!!! BB-8's been electrocuted. I'm sure he'll shake it off, but it's never good to see that droid in peril.
"This is not going to go... the way you think!" Luke's likely talking to Rey or Kylo Ren. I have no idea what the context could be, but I'm excited to find out!
Ice wolves? Don't really know what these are called as of now... but they sure do look cool!
More Leia!! 
Underwater force training. Visually reminds me of the force tree scene from Empire Strikes Back.
 Finn undercover with the First Order.
First Order lining up inside some base. Looks to be the same facility from the opening shot.
Battle of Crait. The First Order seems to be overwhelming the Resistance. 
"Fulfill...Your... Destiny" SNOKE IN THE FLESH!!! Ok, place your final bets on his identity now. 
Snoke's exhibiting some Dark Side force ability on Rey here. I have no idea what it is, but she's definitely in excruciating pain. 
And last, but not least, THAT ENDING!! Rey says "I need someone... to show me my place in all this." and the trailer cuts to Kylo reaching his hand out. After many rewatches, I'm convinced that this  an intentional misdirect. Could be really clever editing and Kylo may not even be in frame with Rey here. BUT if Rey turns to the Dark Side, that would be absolutely insane. 
Well... that's all I have to say about the new trailer as of now. I hope you've all enjoyed this and are looking forward to the next Star Wars Speculation post!!! 

-May the force be with you! 

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